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The Monetary Policy of the ECB
The international role of the Euro
The developing EU legal framework for clearing and settlement of financial instruments
National rescue measures in response to the current financial crisis
The European Central Bank : history, role and functions
European financial integration: Economic aspects, the existing legal framework and the way ahead
Living wills as a catalyst for action
Central bank operations in response to the financial turmoil
Macroprudential instruments and frameworks : a stocktaking of issues and experiences
Overcoming too-big-to-fail : a regulatory framework to limit moral hazard and free riding in the financial sector
EU securities market regulation: adapting to the needs of a single capital market : report of a CEPS task force
Supervising the European financial system
Banking union for Europe - risks and challenges
The fundamental principles of financial regulation
The fiscal implications of a banking union
What kind of European banking union?
The term “macroprudential”: origins and evolution
Towards a macroprudential framework for financial supervision and regulation?
The financial turmoil of 2007-? : a preliminary assessment and some policy considerations
Issues in the governance of central banks: a report
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